ClearWater Design Inuvik Angler: It’s 2 kayaks in 1

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When my wife and I set out last spring to buy “his and hers” kayaks, we juggled a list of competing demands.

I wanted a fishing boat – angling is part of my DNA. But my wife doesn’t fish, so our paddles together tend toward relaxed outings along Eastern Ontario’s abundant, scenic waterways. We also wanted safe, stable kayaks our adult kids could use for recreational outings with their friends.

So, the fishing rig had to be versatile.

That led us to Clearwater Design, an Ontario manufacturer of quality kayaks which, happily, include the Inuvik Angler ($999 Cdn). The Inuvik is a rec / touring boat which offers an upgrade to an angler package – a snap-in fishing platform and some add-ons to the shell.

Open cockpit of the Inuvik angler kayak

A large cockpit has ample room for the fishing deck, and the fisherman (or woman), on the Clearwater Design Inuvik Angler.

At 13-feet long and 28 inches wide, the rotoformed hull weighs just 49 lbs. That means it’s easy to car-top and haul in and out of your favourite fishing spots — no matter how remote they might be.

The boat is a dream to paddle, allowing you to cover water with ease. On larger bodies of water such as the Ottawa or Rideau rivers, it comfortably handles wind, waves and boat wakes. The Inuvik tracks well at all speeds and turns crisply.

In heavy waves, though, it does tend to collect a lot of water inside the hull due to the large cockpit. A spray skirt is definitely recommended if you’ll be paddling in rough conditions on a regular basis.

One drawback to a sit-in kayak, when used by anglers, is that you can’t stand to survey the water or fight fish. But, in addition to the paddling features, sit-in kayaks offer another benefit in lieu.

Protection from the elements

As our sales rep Mike noted, “if you want to extend your season” – and hey, I live well north of the 40th parallel – the hull and deck shield you from wind and cold water.

This was demonstrated during a gusty spring outing on the Rideau with the temperature just cracking the freezing point. The shell did its job, protecting me from the worst of Mother Nature’s wrath during a four-hour, early-season pike quest with a bunch of newfound friends from the Kayak Anglers Association of the Outaouais.

Storage area in the Inuvik angler kayaks

There’s storage space in the open hull in front of your feet, but you need to do a bit of wiggling around to access it.

Another much appreciated feature is the well-padded seat with thigh pads and inflatable lumbar support. This can significantly extend your fishing day – or at least make it more comfortable.

A handy paddle clip sits at your side; with practice you can strap-in the paddle with one hand while playing a fish with the other. Two flush-mounted rod holders are positioned behind the seat.

Accessing your gear while out fishing benefits from some advance planning.

The removable platform includes a Scotty rod holder, drink holder, covered compartment and recessed trays to keep a few lures and tools within reach. Extra tackle and gear can fit inside the open hull between the bow and your feet. But, with the platform attached it takes some manoeuvring to reach them.

Depending on conditions and your needs, however, you can actually leave the fishing deck at home.

Fish with, or without, the deck

This gives you a big 51×18-inch cockpit, and makes accessing your up-front storage much easier. What you lose is that shelf area to assist with lure changes, etc. but it’s a pretty fair tradeoff.

Inuvik Angler kayaks removable fishing deck

The removable fishing deck on the Inuvik Angler.

There’s additional storage in the sealed rear compartment just behind the seat.

Like most kayaks these days, it’s easily outfitted with lots of other gear, attachments, racks, etc. I’ve added an anchor trolley, a mount for a Scotty flag and light pole, plus a gear rack.

It will hold my new fishfinder next spring. I’ll also be adding a camera mount – the better to post more Instagram, Twitter and Facebook bragging shots and videos!

The bottom line? Clearwater Design’s Inuvik Angler serves multiple roles very well. If you want a fishing rig that’s great for more than just angling, it’s well worth considering.

NOTE: Clearwater Design has a factory location just outside Belleville, Ont., in Prince Edward County. If you’re looking to buy, they host a scratch and dent sale each spring — with new boats also available at the same time. The factory outlet is open year-round, though hours vary by season. As noted in a previous post, I am not affiliated with Clearwater, nor do I receive compensation for this review.

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6 thoughts on “ClearWater Design Inuvik Angler: It’s 2 kayaks in 1

  1. Hey Don – great review, was looking for a review as I am looking to get into kayak fishing. I”m very interested in the inuvik angler – curious if you have any new thoughts after owning it some time? Still love it? Do you ever have the urge to get a sturdier kayak you can fish standing up? How is the kayak in terms of transporting/ loading? Heavy to get on top of the car? Any acccessories you really wish the kayak had? Thanks in advance for any input.

    1. Hi Joshua … first a sincere apology. I’ve had so much spam on the blog that I just missed this comment when you posted it. Are you still interested in some more info on the Inuvik? Because I still love it. I do wish I could stand, at times, but overall I am very, very happy with the boat. Transporting and loading is incredibly easy because it is so light (a touch under 50 pounds if I remember correctly) … a sit-on-top kayak is very likely going to run you a minimum of 70+ pounds, sometimes significantly more especially if you want a rig that will really be stable when you stand. The ease of carrying/loading is a huge plus for me. As for accessories, I’ve been continually adding things like gear rails to mine since I bought it. I waited until late in my first season with the boat to decide exactly what I needed, and where to put it. I now have a gear rail on each side of the cockpit, a kayak flag/light at the rear, and will be mounting two more accessories for my cellphone and another GoPro camera this spring. Also built a homemade anchor trolley that works GREAT. If you have any more questions fire away … and if you are in the Eastern Ontario region, by chance, I can recommend a great Facebook group with tons of awesome guys who can give you feedback on virtually any fishing kayak on the market. Just let me know…

      1. Hello Don.
        I agree with Joshua, excellent review!
        I am considering getting this inuvik angler and was researching whether I could add things like fish finder, which led me here.

        Can you post some pics of your updated kayak? After reading this review I am likely to pick up one this summer.


        1. Steve, my apologies, I really have to start keeping up on the blog. It’s been largely inactive for quite a while, but I should be keeping better watch for people with questions like this. I hope your hunt for a kayak led you to something you enjoy, and that you are having a great time on the water! I do still, in September 2020, have my Inuvik Angler and fish in it more than ever … not much else to do when most other forms of entertainment are shut down due to the pandemic. In fact I was out in it on the weekend on a lake in Lanark, and on Tuesday night on the Rideau River south of Ottawa. Hope you are well. Take care.

      2. Hey don would you be able to send some pictures of trolley motor attached as well as the Facebook group you’re talking about? I’m from eastern Ontario:

        1. Hey Jean: So sorry I did not reply to this a lot sooner. I get so much spam that occasionally a legitimate reply gets lost in the blizzard. The Facebook group is . If you still need help with the anchor trolley (it’s not a motor, it’s for an anchor), contact me via the KAAO Facebook page and I can assist. There will be lots of guys able to help if you join the group. Again, my apologies for the very very late reply. Thanks for reading.

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